Monday, June 11, 2007

India chalo

Thats my answer to anyone who asks me what I intend to do after my masters. The moment I utter these words, I receive patronizing glares and replies that have an undertone of, 'You idiot. Why cant you think straight?'. Listed below are some of the most interesting replies that I've got. Let me know how I should reply to these people.

1.) Are you mad?
2.) Why don't you be safe? What if something wrong happens there? Why don't you be safe?
3.) People from India and China are bursting at Canada's gates to come in and you want to go back. Your plan is ridiculous. Think twice and carefully.
4.) Get the dual citizenship and then go back if you want to.
5.) Then, why on earth did u come here to study? You could have studied in India.
6.) Choices and preferences are a function of time. You will grow out of your current childish beliefs.
7.) If u want to go back and write code again, why did u do masters?

Hehe. Usually I just laugh these away. No doubt, Canada is a beautiful country and is an excellent place to stay. Many people do fall for it. But, not me. I'd still prefer to stay in the place where I was born and I dont need a reason for the same.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Partha,

There is nothing wrong in going back to India and there is nothing wrong in being in Canada/US or anywhere outside India as well. Each one of us take a path based on our circumstances etc. Our heart is our best guide in terms of what makes us happy. We all have a role in a bigger scheme of things and we will be in a place that suits our role to be fulfilled at any point in time.
Taking pride in going back or taking pride in deciding to stay back - both seems equally matching a level of ignorance.

Back to your question, you cannot answer to any of those questions. Those questions are posed by people with the limited sample space of their own experiences - best is to listen and take their points (may be they have a point!) and do what you think is right.


Partha said...

thx for visiting and ur suggestions janaki.. its ok when people who know you for atleast a few days say these things... not so when some random person whom you've known for the past five minutes wants to dump his/her wisdom on one!!! :)

vetty said...

beautiful machi..
Love this post.

How are you keeoing anyways?

Partha said...

hey ram... am good da.. how are you? thideernu blog pakkam vara, thideernu kaanama poidare.. :) howz it going??

vetty said...

going okay daa
contemplating india move in dec and thats why could relate to the post and offer support (not that u need)

regarding apeet and repeat, idhellam arisayalla ....

Partha said...

great mchn.. enna plans indiala? c u in india soon then :)

vetty said...

time for a change daa.. always go back to home and explore options.. i only know i wanna go back !!
shure, will c u in india end of year