Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sraddha and Bhakthi

Sraddha* without bhakthi** is arrogance, while bhakthi without sraddha is laziness!

* By Sraddha, I mean an attitude of total commitment to all future events and activities. A state of mind where one is determined to give ones best for what is to come.

** By Bhakthi, I mean an attitude of total acceptance to everything that has happened and is happening. A state of mind that offers absolutely no resistance to what happens. Even better, a state of mind that welcomes gleefully everything that happens, even if it is diametrically opposite to what we were trying to accomplish with sraddha!


Sandhya said...

Very nice defintion of the attitude with which we should lead life !

Karthik said...

அண்ணா, இந்த மாறி துணுக்குகள் வச்சி, சீக்கிரம் வாழ்க்கைக்கு ஒரு guide ரிலீஸ் பண்ணுங்கோன்னா, எங்கள மாறி மண்டுகள் எல்லாம் அப்டியாவது ஒரு B+ வாங்கி தப்பிச்சிகிறோம்.