Sunday, April 11, 2010

The rabbit hole deepens

I have recently developed this language of two perspectives on the life - analogous to the primal and dual variants in linear programming!

The primal perspective on life is about looking at ones life from the perspective of 'maximizing world peace'. The dual perspective on life is about looking at ones life from the perspective of 'maximizing personal happiness'. I believe, at this point, that the optimal solution is the same in both cases - never ending laughter that is built on a foundation of total inner peace.

But, the solution cannot be arrived at by taking only either the primal or the dual perspective. Both are needed in good measure. One might have to alternate between the two perspectives to continuously get closer to the optimal solution (which might, possibly, never be achieved).

For the most part of my childhood and teen life, hardly anyone gave me the primal perspective. They neither gave the dual perspective properly. The dual perspective that was presented was mostly presented very wrongly, though some of the basics were presented. The primal perspective was totally missing. Then, as an young adult, once I took charge of my life, for a long time I was never thinking about the dual perspective (does not mean I was not living it, just not paying sufficient attention). These days, I am trying to balance myself from both these perspectives.

Getting the basics right on both the perspectives will help on negotiate ones way through tricky situations, I believe.

The rabbit hole deepens!

PS: I have been ranting quite often on this blog about things affecting me from the primal perspective. I guess its time to shut up and give some space for Silence. So, I guess, Ill only post sparingly from now on for a few months. Thanks for putting up with all the ranting! :)


Sriramkrishnan said...

"Strictly speaking, there are no enlightened people, there is only enlightened activity."

"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few."

--Shunryu Suzuki

Need anything else be said.


Partha said...

beautiful saying! :)