Come on Come on
Come on Israel come on, Come on Hizb come on,
Fill the earth with the stench of blood,
Who the fuck cares for the smell of roses,
Let the air vibrate with the wail of bereaved parents and orphaned children,
Who the hell cares for music and a childs babbles,
Let the fighting continue till the other person is wiped out from history,
For we are going to live forever, We are gonna outlive the sun
Come on Israel come on, Come on Hizb come on
Come on LTTE come on, Come on SriLanka come on,
Screw the bastards who talk about peace,
Its the language of cowards and impotents,
Display your heroism by drenching the land in blood,
Trees need them to grow, humans have to drink it to survive,
Kill the guy who says a child needs education,
Children need to learn to handle a rifle for salvation,
Come on LTTE come on, Come on SriLanka come on
Come on India come on, Come on Pakistan come on,
Ownership of a piece of land is a billion times more important,
than the lives of those who live there,
Capture thy opponent, gauge their eyes out, chop their limbs, castrate them,
for their gods are different and you need to proove your god is better,
Destruction of a dilapidated old building and construction of a new building there
are more important than the construction of the lives of people,
for Gods dont live in our hearts, they live in buildings,
Come on India come on, Come on Pakistan come on
நிரந்தரமானவன் [தே. குமரன்]
4 years ago
first and last point:Iam not a christ/gandhi to show my other cheek when my opponent slaps me one. If one takes something by force I take it back with force.
DHANDAM <------ will not hesitate to use this when other three failed.
couple of points :D
where were the peace marchers when terrorists [don tell me terrorists are not even indirectly funded by state] shed the blood of commoners.
its not at the level of an individual.. when an individual decides to fight, it is his interests that are at stake and at max, the interests of his family.. but when governments dont have diplomacy in mind and are aggresive, it could end the lives of millions of people...
a friend of mine recently said.. "I am sorry for the victims of Mumbai blasts.. but does anyone think why it happened?".. he then added that "it happened becoz Gujarat riots went unanswered... the culprits went scot free.. so the muslims retaliated".. (for the record, he is an atheist) basically he talks about tit for tat.. similar to what you have said..
my point is...,
I have a colleague who is a Muslim and I dont feel like killing him.. why did the Hindus in Gujarat then kill Muslims.. It is becoz the Muslims in Gujarat would have done something stupid to trigger these idiots.. On the same vein, this Muslim colleague of mine also does not feel like killing me or triggering me and stuff.. then why did the Muslims in Gujarat do something to trigger the Hindus in Gujarat...? This becoz the Hindus in Gujarat would have done something to irritate the muslims...
This is a vicious cycle and it has no end. To think, we can identify the first offender by analyzing this etc.. is being pretty naive..
The only thing we can do is to forgive and forget the past and look forward for a new future. For, if we dont forget the past, we might not have a future.
Have heard this comments. and here is my reply.
For decades the kashmiri pundits have been oppressed and driven out. Is there any terrorist/retalitory action from them???
Another one: Sikhs were massacared. Their demand for khalistan turned down. But sorry I dont see any of them turning senseless.
Another: Statue of Buddha was peltered. Afghanese buddhists did not turn violent.
Another: Dalai Lama case...
Again: Ram was portrayed in chappals as a design. Hindu goddesses drawn nude.. no Hindu retaliated violently.
Talk abt the vicious cycle comes only for certain groups and not others. so is it a problem with the cycle or the terrorists???
Iam not talking abt individual fights. When some group breaks the dharma of a society, they are going to face the result. "vinai vidhaithavan ....".so if a grp hits, it should brace itself against a powerful hit. The proponents of anti-war should have come before the first hit..
your reply about the buddhists is exactly what I worry about... do you think that it is good for the buddhists to destroy a few mosques to get their revenge...? Assume Budhdhists in Chennai want retaliation.. so they will destroy a few mosques in Chennai. Then the Muslims in Chennai will want retaliation and will kill a few Buddhists on say the highway to Bangalore.. the vicious circle continues... Violence does not lead us anywhere...
Dear Badri
I neither agree or disagree with your "viewpoints" regarding being a Christ or a Gandhi or about your obvious reference to Islamic terrorism.
However, limiting myself to FACTS I can say that your comments do not stand up to any sensible and factual scrutiny. Radicalims is not limited to Islam. ALL RELIGIONS ARE RADICAL, period, in their own ways.
Sikhs : Have you forgotten the decade and a half of violent militancy. What about the Air India flight to Canada getting blown up. Incidentally it is still considered the most violent example of airline terrorsim.
Hindus : The Gujrat riots were not violent ? The ravaging mobs wernt Hindu mobs ?? What about the mobs who burnt Sikhs in Delhi after Indira Gandhi's death. Not Hindus ??
What about caste violence in Bihar.
The upper caste landlorss and lower caste workers.
What about Tamil Nadu - what about the latest waves of violence of Thevars and Nadars and Vanniars against the even lower castes - Not Hindus ???
Buddhists :
Firstly - there are no Buddhists in Afghanistan.
Secondly, you only need to look at the radical Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka who openly advocate violence before you realize how much they have screwed the Buddha's principles.
Perhaps you are unaware also of the violent side of the Tibetian movement. Wait for the fireworks when the Dalai Lama dies, hes the only reason why its quiet.( Of course knowing China, retaliation will be swift and silent)
Christains : Have you forgotten the crusades. The virtually complete destruction of the original populations of people on 2 continents - Australia, North America and Peru as just some examples. What about the Pope you sanctioned slavery?
Perhaps you also need to follow the views of some of the more radical Christian sects to realize how fragile the state of peace is.
Please get your facts right, before you express an opinion. Ignorance as an excuse is only indicative of radicalism.
Always resist the temnptation to condemm one particular group or sect because you identify with another. Thats the biggest problem in the world today. Both the fact that we belong to groups and that we choose to wear blinders.
@ Partha
I dont say buddhists go and retaliate. I just said when afghanis broke the statue someone should have raised a "powerful" voice.
In my whole comment I have not named muslims/Islam. or have I?
why is it that you came to this alarming conclusion that I named Islam as radical? Is it that you construed it while reading? I cannot help it then :)
One more. You had mentioned u neither agree nor disagree with me. All thru the comment I see that you had mentioned abt grps retaliating {not agreeing with my examples}. Can you plz point out to me where you had tried to "not disagree".
If you want me to stop commenting to avoid controversies, I will :)
what controversy..? I only see a difference of opinion... when learned men talk disagreements are bound to come.. as long as people refrain from passing personlly abusive comments and if people dont take repudiating comments personally, anything is fine..
Dear Badri
Here is the comment in your post from where I drew the inference.
>>[don tell me terrorists are not even indirectly funded by state]
Apologies if the inference were wrong. I am becoming more and more politically incorrect with age.
I will try and spare ourselves a convoluted debate - this medium is more prone to miscommunication than most others.
The difference between what you said ( or what I think you said) is that
I contend, that violence stems from all religions and all groups -- not some religions or some groups as you seem to contend.
To substantiate that, I gave you some factual incidents of the groups you said "not turning violent", actually "being violent" viz Sikhs, Buddhists, Hindus "being violent" as against you "not being violent" - the latter is nonsense. That is my disagreement to your comment.
Hope I am clear(er) now.
Please feel free to keep commenting. It would be a pity if at this age we cannot have a pointed debate full of disagreements however distasteful it may be to us. If anyone asked you to stop commenting for metaphorically kicking my ass for perhaps being one, ask them to bugger off :)
btw, I heard you are married now. Congratulations :) I am still in school :)
@ sriram
dude, this is not the badhri from VIT.. this is a friend of mine from HCL...
@Partha and Badri
:) Sorry to get you married off . But are you or are you not
Its a small world. Just thought it was our Badri. Seems the world is not so small after all.
@ partha:
Nalla kettuko. If that badhri can get marrried, the same situation can come to mee too :D Iam hopeful. And Sriram Iam a bachelor [will be for few more years]
Hmm. There is still one point of disagreement. No religion asks to fight for sake of fighting.
Iam biased towards Hinduism and a stauch one at that. But @ the same time tolerant Hindu :) One needs to fight for the cause. Armies fight and the terrorists too. But there comes the catch. Hindu laws speak about taking up arms only during one cause :
not for the good of self, nor the family, the country or religion but for society dharma. and then again it is a topic in itself. still open to commenting. this guy cannot stop us for 2 more weeks even if he wants to.
Is it that we have disagreements only ? :)
obvioulsy all violence is justified by the perpetrators in some form or the other... violence is wrong and should not be condoned for any reason...
and regarding chances of u getting married like the other badhri... hmmmm... it is indeed non-zero but the probability of osama abhorring violence is slightly higher... :D
ada paavi partha. guess u said the same to the otehr badhri too :D
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