Saturday, May 22, 2010

Asatoma Sadgamaya

The title, the first line in a sanskrit song, is generally interpreted as an invocation to some kinda external agent to lead oneself from falseness to the truth. I am not quite in agreement with that interpretation. How can anyone but myself clear up the falseness in me, especially when the falseness has its continued existence purely due to my fear, desire etc?

When an individual wakes up and sees the falseness in hirself, sees the nonsense he/she does in their day to day lives (in the form of holding grudges, in the form of subtle inferior / superior complexes, in the form of constant gloating, in the form of constantly hoping something in the future will somehow magically make them happy (career / relationships / achievements etc), in the form of constant comparison with others and in a million other ways), then, the individual will be shaken up into changing oneself. Then slowly the falseness in the individual might be eliminated and the truth will flower.

Similarly, with more watching, the individual will recognize that the falseness actually stems from the tamas (or fear) in the individual. Then, the individual may go deep into the causes of tamas and attempt to cleanse it. This personal cleansing will cause the tamas to mutate into something that will be source of sanity or light (jyothi) to one and all around the individual.

Thus, only due to a strong personal commitment to cleanse oneself, the mortal within us will give away for the immortal in us to shine forth. Repeating the same old words like a malfunctioning gramaphone player is not gonna lead anyone anywhere.

Asatoma Sadgamaya
Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya
Mrityoma Amirthangamaya

From falsehood to truth
From fear to light
From being mortal to being immortal

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