Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dear Ms. Anuradha Ramanan

Homosexuality is not something to be disgusted about. It is as natural as heterosexuality or bisexuality. It has been repeatedly observed in many animal species across different geographical locations - birds, mammals and even cold blooded animals.

The title of your series claims you are going to talk about the sexual issues of your readers with love. But, you seem to have lost focus on that aspect. Please do take a look at your prejudices.

Anbudan Antharangam - A question and answer type section in a tamil magazine

Brief description of the article for followers of blog who cannot read tamil:
Someone has written to her asking suggestion on dealing with balancing his male partner, with whom he became intimate with after his divorce, and his former wife who wants to get back with him. She has responded with a lot of disgust towards his homosexual tendencies and claims it to be a big blot on Tamil and Indian culture.

With luv

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Btw, I never knew you would be reading this junk..