Wednesday, October 14, 2009


No, I am not excited about Diwali! No, I am not going to dish out inanities in the form of 'Oh, I missed Diwali for the past three years!'. Yes, I am all for all the tasty food. But, its all coming at the cost of extreme noise and air pollution. Not to mention the non-stop blaring of television. I really want to escape all this.

I wish, I were able to travel to Singampunari, a village that is 90KM from Sivakasi (firecracker manufacturing hub) in Tamil Nadu for this Diwali. The folks there have not burst crackers in the last 3 decades for the purpose of not disturbing the exotic birds nesting in the Vedankudi bird sanctuary nearby. May be next year Ill spend Diwali there! Anyone wanna join me?


Anonymous said...

But seriously, what is the fun without fireworks on a Diwali. As a kid what other festival did you anticipate as much as this? Crackers and stuff are for children. what do you expect them to do on the day of Diwali?

Instead of wholly criticizing it, there could be many ways. Say, the fireworks could be banned for sale to individuals. Instead a town/bigger group could gather around in a scheduled place at a specified time period and enjoy community fireworks. Thereby it is much controlled, safe and keeps the festive spirit and doesn't litter the roads etc.. And this place could be away from all those birds you are so worried about...

It will be a diwali only if you have a mad rush, crowd, new films, tv shows, and some bit of noise. You can't expect a much awaited festival spent in peace and without a wee bit of commercialization.

Partha said...

Thx Anon for dropping by with your comments. There are lots of things to say, so will just stick to the key things.

I think fun or happiness is nice but it should not come at this amount of noise and pollution, especially since those who do not want it cant escape :). Also, I do not think this North American style of diwali (crackers in a football stadium) is gonna work in India. In any case, all I said is that I want to escape the noise and the smoke and said nothing about changing things. :)

About the commercialization, the less said the better! It certainly is not wee bit! :D

I agree that as a kid it was fun and most looked forward to etc.! But, still, I think its too much noise :)

Sandhya said...

I agree with this post. Today ( Diwali) was not a peaceful day. So much Noise caused by the crackers bursting . Sound ,air pollution. The poor terrified street dogs. Blaring TV. Diwali minus Crackers and Tv - yes i am for it !