Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Nithyananda episode

This Nithyananda episode is all over TN news channels. As expected, there is denial from the swamis ashram, and, given all the technological feats that people are capable of, we really may never know if the swami is involved. Irrespective of this, I am neither sad nor outraged about Nithyananda.

I just have a word to say about the people who went to him and claim to be outraged now, and that is what Jesus said, 'may the first person to stone be the one who has not sinned'.

All those who went to him went seeking some sort of spiritual gifts from him. They were with him in the desire of becoming something with his help. This is no different from any other form of lust. Hence, all they have to do is to look at themselves to find out why they went there.

Of course, this is no comment on the legal issues involved. The law will take its own course. Lets not come to any conclusions about the person concerned and let the law decide. Even if it is him, we only need to question the tactics primarily. To have sex or not to with another consenting adult is an individuals problem.

PS: Incidentally, I had written about the guru test recently :)


Karthik said...

Hmmmm.. fishshyyy.. you knew he had it coming, didn't you? :-P

Saravanan Mathialagan said...

i have read few litreatures of swami nithyananda. some of them are very practical and good. his writings on sex was mostly negating the lust factor, towards some union.

it is sorry to have him seen through this scandal. as of me, i would wait patiently rather taking this scandal as real.

i really believe what my guru says towards accepting someone as your Guru - Guru are not to be worshiped but used for our own progress. In that way, as partha commented, seeking guru for any pleasure, even spiritual, is a form of lust. I think we can seek help d support.

A true guru is one who only puts you in difficulties so you learn by the wisdom earned by the same and not any form of magic.

TO me, i will keep my fingers crossed on this scandal. There might be million people who might want to bring down his reputation also. who knows?

Unknown said...

I have liked reading your blog for quite sometime now. You have quoted many Masters and there are some wonderful sayings here. I don't know you at all, but I know for sure you are a spiritual person.

However, the time I cringed was when NP was featured here in your blog. I look away in pain as I see posters of him stretching from earth to sky. I will refrain from putting up my personal reasons.

The reason for this post is I just felt your guru test post is exactly off the point.

Words can only take you so far. After that, every seeker needs something else. (Unless you have razor sharp intelligence like Gautama the Buddha or JK)
The Guru is the most important, nah, the only thing that can lead/deliver you. A Guru is not someone with whose words you are fascinated, in that case every articulate and good speaker can qualify. He/She should have another quality altogether. I cannot explain it further without sounding foolish (outwardly). He/She is not someone who you like or assuages your ego.

Every spiritual seeker is asked to deepen his intensity and longing for what he holds as the highest. When the seeker is ready, the Guru will find you. I am not parotting somebody, this is my personal experience.

Partha said...

@KG - haha

@Sarav - sure da.. we should certainly not rush to make conclusions..

@Anupama - Thx for dropping by. I enjoy your blog too :)
I understand your ideas about guru. I have a few friends who say the same too.

Of course, its not possible for us to discuss this in this forum... we could hopefully meet one day and talk about this more :)

i guess, you already know my opinion.. just to paraphrase.. i think people can help us by showing us the darkness in us.. and after that its up to us.. i think, depending on someone to 'deliver us' puts pressure on that person to conform to subtle expectations and prevents us from truly seeing 'what is' when they fail to conform...

lets talk about this more if and when we meet! :)

Anonymous said...


On JK: I hope you are not suggesting that JK had no scandals to his name. Perhaps you'd like to read this book.

Nithyananda, JK any "Guru" who you can name... all flesh and blood, all flawed, ....perhaps intelligent, perhaps witty... but all too mortal.


Unknown said...

Guru as a "person" is the word to be dissected here. We don't have to spend countless hours in front of him and absorb his words, look at his clothes and social standing to experience the Guru.

As many people have said, I cannot explain the beauty of the sea breeze or the taste of an orange. You have to experience it for yourself. For such small things, we are at a loss of words. For something big as a Guru, definitely words are not enough.

Yes, we should definitely meet! Besant Nagar beach!

Partha said...

@Anupama - Besant nagar beach is perfect.. mail me when you would be free..

parthasarathy DOT kr AT gmail DOT COM