The truth is already dead when either of the parties fight for "truth", coz truth is truth. I'm sure one of them would know the truth, and it is foolish if he fights for it knowing that it is true, and more foolish would be the other person who fights for the sake of just his own ego while his self knows that it is false.
I just realize these things when people try to proove themselves for petty things in this world by domination, shouting, harrassing, pulling the legs when they get chance just to proove themselves as right!!
As a spiritualist we can only learn to be detached from this world, else the progress on what the spiritualist would like to do will be hampered. The best way is to just listen to one's consciousness and move on. My Guru would say that, whenever any disturbing thoughts arise from inside or outside, the thoughts is to be treated as "barking dogs while the elephant move on". (This should not be taken in a negaitve way) .
The Baghvat-Gita says, to see people as Pure Self, which are eventually surrounded by egos which are actually talking. Otherwise it is the same God which has exposed in you is present in him too, except that he is blurred by this ego.
It's really a struggle to see someone as pure self when he is harrasing you from the other end, but this saintly journey is awesome, coz if this is not achieved, the fight would continue till the end of life, to proove correctness of oneself for lifeless things.
Coming to multitude of mishappenings in this world, where conventions are designed to selfish means, its perfectly not possible to set the world in the correct path, but one can correct himself and thats the highest duty/worship one can do to himself.