I shape mind, intelligence ,
ego, and thought positively
My five parts enter you, produce the seven elements in you,
I help ears, tongue, nose and eyes function well,
I give voice, move hands, feet and other organs,
The movement of life is due to me,
I am prana, I am prana, servant of Narayana!
I participate in the game of enmity and friendship,
In the game of competition, money and assets
In all games I participate; victory and defeat do not matter
What matters to me is the desire to
ameliorate things and push everything towards the divine
I am prana, I am prana, servant of Narayana!
I am present in Science
In minuscule amounts in that science
which is swayed by power and greed
But, in huge amounts in that science
which is at the sole service of discovery of truth
that which is without prejudice, without bias, without falsehood
I am prana, I am prana, servant of Narayana!
I am present in Spirituality
very little in that kind which is sold as a product
little more in that kind which is built on personalities
But in immense amounts in the one
which is built on genuine inner quest for the divine
I am prana, I am prana, servant of Narayana!
I am present in Social Work
very little in the one that is partial
even little in ones with motives
much less in ones without sincerity
but in vast amounts in that which works for true change
a total change - inner and outer
I am prana, I am prana, servant of Narayana!
I help bring about change
from sins to good deeds; from suffering to happiness;
for one and all; without discrimination!
I have no death, nor do I worry of it!
I am not worried of personal liberation!
I will be around until his leela goes on!
I am prana, I am prana, servant of Narayana!